APM:Copter参考手册目录5.6.4-ArduCopter Parameters 5
RC dead-zone (RC9_DZ)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
dead zone around trim.
Servo out function (RC9_FUNCTION)
Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable this output, any other value will enable the corresponding function
0 | Disabled |
1 | Manual |
2 | Flap |
3 | Flap_auto |
4 | Aileron |
5 | flaperon |
6 | mount_pan |
7 | mount_tilt |
8 | mount_roll |
9 | mount_open |
10 | camera_trigger |
11 | release |
12 | mount2_pan |
13 | mount2_tilt |
14 | mount2_roll |
15 | mount2_open |
16 | DifferentialSpoiler1 |
17 | DifferentialSpoiler2 |
18 | AileronWithInput |
19 | Elevator |
20 | ElevatorWithInput |
21 | Rudder |
RC12_ Parameters
RC min PWM (RC12_MIN)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
RC minimum PWM pulse width. Typically 1000 is lower limit, 1500 is neutral and 2000 is upper limit.
Range: 800 2200
Increment: 1
Units: ms
RC trim PWM (RC12_TRIM)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
RC trim (neutral) PWM pulse width. Typically 1000 is lower limit, 1500 is neutral and 2000 is upper limit.
Range: 800 2200
Increment: 1
Units: ms
RC max PWM (RC12_MAX)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
RC maximum PWM pulse width. Typically 1000 is lower limit, 1500 is neutral and 2000 is upper limit.
Range: 800 2200
Increment: 1
Units: ms
RC reverse (RC12_REV)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Reverse servo operation. Set to 1 for normal (forward) operation. Set to -1 to reverse this channel.
-1 | Reversed |
1 | Normal |
RC dead-zone (RC12_DZ)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
dead zone around trim.
Servo out function (RC12_FUNCTION)
Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable this output, any other value will enable the corresponding function
0 | Disabled |
1 | Manual |
2 | Flap |
3 | Flap_auto |
4 | Aileron |
5 | flaperon |
6 | mount_pan |
7 | mount_tilt |
8 | mount_roll |
9 | mount_open |
10 | camera_trigger |
11 | release |
12 | mount2_pan |
13 | mount2_tilt |
14 | mount2_roll |
15 | mount2_open |
16 | DifferentialSpoiler1 |
17 | DifferentialSpoiler2 |
18 | AileronWithInput |
19 | Elevator |
20 | ElevatorWithInput |
21 | Rudder |
CAM_ Parameters
Camera shutter (trigger) type (CAM_TRIGG_TYPE)
how to trigger the camera to take a picture
0 | Servo |
1 | Relay |
Duration that shutter is held open (CAM_DURATION)
How long the shutter will be held open in 10ths of a second (i.e. enter 10 for 1second, 50 for 5seconds)
Range: 0 50
Servo ON PWM value (CAM_SERVO_ON)
PWM value to move servo to when shutter is activated
Range: 1000 2000
PWM value to move servo to when shutter is deactivated
Range: 1000 2000
Camera trigger distance (CAM_TRIGG_DIST)
Distance in meters between camera triggers. If this value is non-zero then the camera will trigger whenever the GPS position changes by this number of meters regardless of what mode the APM is in
Range: 0 1000
RELAY_ Parameters
Relay Pin (RELAY_PIN)
Digital pin number for relay control. This is normally 47 for the APM1 relay, 13 for the A9 pin on APM2 and 111 for the high power relay pin on the PX4.
COMPASS_ Parameters
Compass offsets on the X axis (COMPASS_OFS_X)
Offset to be added to the compass x-axis values to compensate for metal in the frame
Range: -400 400
Increment: 1
Compass offsets on the Y axis (COMPASS_OFS_Y)
Offset to be added to the compass y-axis values to compensate for metal in the frame
Range: -400 400
Increment: 1
Compass offsets on the Z axis (COMPASS_OFS_Z)
Offset to be added to the compass z-axis values to compensate for metal in the frame
Range: -400 400
Increment: 1
Compass declination (COMPASS_DEC)
An angle to compensate between the true north and magnetic north
Range: -3.142 3.142
Increment: 0.01
Units: Radians
Learn compass offsets automatically (COMPASS_LEARN)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Enable or disable the automatic learning of compass offsets
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Use compass for yaw (COMPASS_USE)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Enable or disable the use of the compass (instead of the GPS) for determining heading
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Auto Declination (COMPASS_AUTODEC)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Enable or disable the automatic calculation of the declination based on gps location
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Motor interference compensation type (COMPASS_MOTCT)
Set motor interference compensation type to disabled, throttle or current. Do not change manually.
0 | Disabled |
1 | Use Throttle |
2 | Use Current |
Increment: 1
Motor interference compensation for body frame X axis (COMPASS_MOT_X)
Multiplied by the current throttle and added to the compass’s x-axis values to compensate for motor interference
Range: -1000 1000
Increment: 1
Units: Offset per Amp or at Full Throttle
Motor interference compensation for body frame Y axis (COMPASS_MOT_Y)
Multiplied by the current throttle and added to the compass’s y-axis values to compensate for motor interference
Range: -1000 1000
Increment: 1
Units: Offset per Amp or at Full Throttle
Motor interference compensation for body frame Z axis (COMPASS_MOT_Z)
Multiplied by the current throttle and added to the compass’s z-axis values to compensate for motor interference
Range: -1000 1000
Increment: 1
Units: Offset per Amp or at Full Throttle
Compass orientation (COMPASS_ORIENT)
The orientation of the compass relative to the autopilot board. This will default to the right value for each board type, but can be changed if you have an external compass. See the documentation for your external compass for the right value. The correct orientation should give the X axis forward, the Y axis to the right and the Z axis down. So if your aircraft is pointing west it should show a positive value for the Y axis, and a value close to zero for the X axis. NOTE: This orientation is combined with any AHRS_ORIENTATION setting.
0 | None |
1 | Yaw45 |
2 | Yaw90 |
3 | Yaw135 |
4 | Yaw180 |
5 | Yaw225 |
6 | Yaw270 |
7 | Yaw315 |
8 | Roll180 |
9 | Roll180Yaw45 |
10 | Roll180Yaw90 |
11 | Roll180Yaw135 |
12 | Pitch180 |
13 | Roll180Yaw225 |
14 | Roll180Yaw270 |
15 | Roll180Yaw315 |
16 | Roll90 |
17 | Roll90Yaw45 |
18 | Roll90Yaw90 |
19 | Roll90Yaw135 |
20 | Roll270 |
21 | Roll270Yaw45 |
22 | Roll270Yaw90 |
23 | Roll270Yaw136 |
24 | Pitch90 |
25 | Pitch270 |
INS_ Parameters
Which type of IMU is installed (read-only)
Accelerometer scaling of X axis (INS_ACCSCAL_X)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Accelerometer scaling of X axis. Calculated during acceleration calibration routine
Range: 0.8 1.2
Accelerometer scaling of Y axis (INS_ACCSCAL_Y)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Accelerometer scaling of Y axis Calculated during acceleration calibration routine
Range: 0.8 1.2
Accelerometer scaling of Z axis (INS_ACCSCAL_Z)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Accelerometer scaling of Z axis Calculated during acceleration calibration routine
Range: 0.8 1.2
Accelerometer offsets of X axis (INS_ACCOFFS_X)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Accelerometer offsets of X axis. This is setup using the acceleration calibration or level operations
Range: -300 300
Units: m/s/s
Accelerometer offsets of Y axis (INS_ACCOFFS_Y)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Accelerometer offsets of Y axis. This is setup using the acceleration calibration or level operations
Range: -300 300
Units: m/s/s
Accelerometer offsets of Z axis (INS_ACCOFFS_Z)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Accelerometer offsets of Z axis. This is setup using the acceleration calibration or level operations
Range: -300 300
Units: m/s/s
Gyro offsets of X axis (INS_GYROFFS_X)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Gyro sensor offsets of X axis. This is setup on each boot during gyro calibrations
Units: rad/s
Gyro offsets of Y axis (INS_GYROFFS_Y)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Gyro sensor offsets of Y axis. This is setup on each boot during gyro calibrations
Units: rad/s
Gyro offsets of Z axis (INS_GYROFFS_Z)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Gyro sensor offsets of Z axis. This is setup on each boot during gyro calibrations
Units: rad/s
MPU6000 filter frequency (INS_MPU6K_FILTER)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Filter frequency to ask the MPU6000 to apply to samples. This can be set to a lower value to try to cope with very high vibration levels in aircraft. The default value on ArduPlane, APMrover2 and ArduCopter is 20Hz. This option takes effect on the next reboot or gyro initialisation
0 | Default |
5 | 5Hz |
10 | 10Hz |
20 | 20Hz |
42 | 42Hz |
98 | 98Hz |
Units: Hz
INAV_ Parameters
Horizontal Time Constant (INAV_TC_XY)
Time constant for GPS and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases GPS impact on position estimate
Range: 0 10
Increment: 0.1
Vertical Time Constant (INAV_TC_Z)
Time constant for baro and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases barometers impact on altitude estimate
Range: 0 10
Increment: 0.1
SR0_ Parameters
Horizontal Time Constant (SR0_TC_XY)
Time constant for GPS and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases GPS impact on position estimate
Range: 0 10
Increment: 0.1
Vertical Time Constant (SR0_TC_Z)
Time constant for baro and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases barometers impact on altitude estimate
Range: 0 10
Increment: 0.1
SR3_ Parameters
Horizontal Time Constant (SR3_TC_XY)
Time constant for GPS and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases GPS impact on position estimate
Range: 0 10
Increment: 0.1
Vertical Time Constant (SR3_TC_Z)
Time constant for baro and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases barometers impact on altitude estimate
Range: 0 10
Increment: 0.1
AHRS_ Parameters
This controls how how much to use the GPS to correct the attitude. This should never be set to zero for a plane as it would result in the plane losing control in turns. For a plane please use the default value of 1.0.
Range: 0.0 1.0
Increment: .01
AHRS use GPS for navigation (AHRS_GPS_USE)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
This controls whether to use dead-reckoning or GPS based navigation. If set to 0 then the GPS won’t be used for navigation, and only dead reckoning will be used. A value of zero should never be used for normal flight.
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
This controls the weight the compass or GPS has on the heading. A higher value means the heading will track the yaw source (GPS or compass) more rapidly.
Range: 0.1 0.4
Increment: .01
This controls how fast the accelerometers correct the attitude
Range: 0.1 0.4
Increment: .01
Maximum wind (AHRS_WIND_MAX)
This sets the maximum allowable difference between ground speed and airspeed. This allows the plane to cope with a failing airspeed sensor. A value of zero means to use the airspeed as is.
Range: 0 127
Increment: 1
Units: m/s
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Compensates for the roll angle difference between the control board and the frame
Range: -10 10
Units: Radians
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Compensates for the pitch angle difference between the control board and the frame
Range: -10 10
Units: Radians
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Not Used
Range: -10 10
Units: Radians
Board Orientation (AHRS_ORIENTATION)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Overall board orientation relative to the standard orientation for the board type. This rotates the IMU and compass readings to allow the board to be oriented in your vehicle at any 90 or 45 degree angle. This option takes affect on next boot. After changing you will need to re-level your vehicle.
0 | None |
1 | Yaw45 |
2 | Yaw90 |
3 | Yaw135 |
4 | Yaw180 |
5 | Yaw225 |
6 | Yaw270 |
7 | Yaw315 |
8 | Roll180 |
9 | Roll180Yaw45 |
10 | Roll180Yaw90 |
11 | Roll180Yaw135 |
12 | Pitch180 |
13 | Roll180Yaw225 |
14 | Roll180Yaw270 |
15 | Roll180Yaw315 |
16 | Roll90 |
17 | Roll90Yaw45 |
18 | Roll90Yaw90 |
19 | Roll90Yaw135 |
20 | Roll270 |
21 | Roll270Yaw45 |
22 | Roll270Yaw90 |
23 | Roll270Yaw135 |
24 | Pitch90 |
25 | Pitch270 |
AHRS Velocity Complmentary Filter Beta Coefficient (AHRS_COMP_BETA)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
This controls the time constant for the cross-over frequency used to fuse AHRS (airspeed and heading) and GPS data to estimate ground velocity. Time constant is 0.1/beta. A larger time constant will use GPS data less and a small time constant will use air data less.
Range: 0.001 0.5
Increment: .01
AHRS GPS Minimum satellites (AHRS_GPS_MINSATS)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Minimum number of satellites visible to use GPS for velocity based corrections attitude correction. This defaults to 6, which is about the point at which the velocity numbers from a GPS become too unreliable for accurate correction of the accelerometers.
Range: 0 10
Increment: 1
MNT_ Parameters
Mount operation mode (MNT_MODE)
Camera or antenna mount operation mode
0 | retract |
1 | neutral |
2 | MavLink_targeting |
3 | RC_targeting |
4 | GPS_point |
Mount roll angle when in retracted position (MNT_RETRACT_X)
Mount roll angle when in retracted position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in retracted position (MNT_RETRACT_Y)
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in retracted position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount yaw/pan angle when in retracted position (MNT_RETRACT_Z)
Mount yaw/pan angle when in retracted position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount roll angle when in neutral position (MNT_NEUTRAL_X)
Mount roll angle when in neutral position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in neutral position (MNT_NEUTRAL_Y)
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in neutral position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount pan/yaw angle when in neutral position (MNT_NEUTRAL_Z)
Mount pan/yaw angle when in neutral position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount roll angle command from groundstation (MNT_CONTROL_X)
Mount roll angle when in MavLink or RC control operation mode
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount tilt/pitch angle command from groundstation (MNT_CONTROL_Y)
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in MavLink or RC control operation mode
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount pan/yaw angle command from groundstation (MNT_CONTROL_Z)
Mount pan/yaw angle when in MavLink or RC control operation mode
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Stabilize mount’s pitch/tilt angle (MNT_STAB_TILT)
enable tilt/pitch stabilisation relative to Earth
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Stabilize mount pan/yaw angle (MNT_STAB_PAN)
enable pan/yaw stabilisation relative to Earth
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
roll RC input channel (MNT_RC_IN_ROLL)
0 for none, any other for the RC channel to be used to control roll movements
0 | Disabled |
5 | RC5 |
6 | RC6 |
7 | RC7 |
8 | RC8 |
Minimum roll angle (MNT_ANGMIN_ROL)
Minimum physical roll angular position of mount.
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Maximum roll angle (MNT_ANGMAX_ROL)
Maximum physical roll angular position of the mount
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
tilt (pitch) RC input channel (MNT_RC_IN_TILT)
0 for none, any other for the RC channel to be used to control tilt (pitch) movements
0 | Disabled |
5 | RC5 |
6 | RC6 |
7 | RC7 |
8 | RC8 |
Minimum tilt angle (MNT_ANGMIN_TIL)
Minimum physical tilt (pitch) angular position of mount.
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Maximum tilt angle (MNT_ANGMAX_TIL)
Maximum physical tilt (pitch) angular position of the mount
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
pan (yaw) RC input channel (MNT_RC_IN_PAN)
0 for none, any other for the RC channel to be used to control pan (yaw) movements
0 | Disabled |
5 | RC5 |
6 | RC6 |
7 | RC7 |
8 | RC8 |
Minimum pan angle (MNT_ANGMIN_PAN)
Minimum physical pan (yaw) angular position of mount.
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Maximum pan angle (MNT_ANGMAX_PAN)
Maximum physical pan (yaw) angular position of the mount
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
mount joystick speed (MNT_JSTICK_SPD)
0 for position control, small for low speeds, 100 for max speed. A good general value is 10 which gives a movement speed of 3 degrees per second.
Range: 0 100
Increment: 1
MNT2_ Parameters
Mount operation mode (MNT2_MODE)
Camera or antenna mount operation mode
0 | retract |
1 | neutral |
2 | MavLink_targeting |
3 | RC_targeting |
4 | GPS_point |
Mount roll angle when in retracted position (MNT2_RETRACT_X)
Mount roll angle when in retracted position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in retracted position (MNT2_RETRACT_Y)
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in retracted position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount yaw/pan angle when in retracted position (MNT2_RETRACT_Z)
Mount yaw/pan angle when in retracted position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount roll angle when in neutral position (MNT2_NEUTRAL_X)
Mount roll angle when in neutral position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in neutral position (MNT2_NEUTRAL_Y)
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in neutral position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount pan/yaw angle when in neutral position (MNT2_NEUTRAL_Z)
Mount pan/yaw angle when in neutral position
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount roll angle command from groundstation (MNT2_CONTROL_X)
Mount roll angle when in MavLink or RC control operation mode
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount tilt/pitch angle command from groundstation (MNT2_CONTROL_Y)
Mount tilt/pitch angle when in MavLink or RC control operation mode
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Mount pan/yaw angle command from groundstation (MNT2_CONTROL_Z)
Mount pan/yaw angle when in MavLink or RC control operation mode
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Stabilize mount’s pitch/tilt angle (MNT2_STAB_TILT)
enable tilt/pitch stabilisation relative to Earth
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Stabilize mount pan/yaw angle (MNT2_STAB_PAN)
enable pan/yaw stabilisation relative to Earth
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
roll RC input channel (MNT2_RC_IN_ROLL)
0 for none, any other for the RC channel to be used to control roll movements
0 | Disabled |
5 | RC5 |
6 | RC6 |
7 | RC7 |
8 | RC8 |
Minimum roll angle (MNT2_ANGMIN_ROL)
Minimum physical roll angular position of mount.
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Maximum roll angle (MNT2_ANGMAX_ROL)
Maximum physical roll angular position of the mount
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
tilt (pitch) RC input channel (MNT2_RC_IN_TILT)
0 for none, any other for the RC channel to be used to control tilt (pitch) movements
0 | Disabled |
5 | RC5 |
6 | RC6 |
7 | RC7 |
8 | RC8 |
Minimum tilt angle (MNT2_ANGMIN_TIL)
Minimum physical tilt (pitch) angular position of mount.
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Maximum tilt angle (MNT2_ANGMAX_TIL)
Maximum physical tilt (pitch) angular position of the mount
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
pan (yaw) RC input channel (MNT2_RC_IN_PAN)
0 for none, any other for the RC channel to be used to control pan (yaw) movements
0 | Disabled |
5 | RC5 |
6 | RC6 |
7 | RC7 |
8 | RC8 |
Minimum pan angle (MNT2_ANGMIN_PAN)
Minimum physical pan (yaw) angular position of mount.
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
Maximum pan angle (MNT2_ANGMAX_PAN)
Maximum physical pan (yaw) angular position of the mount
Range: -18000 17999
Increment: 1
Units: Centi-Degrees
mount joystick speed (MNT2_JSTICK_SPD)
0 for position control, small for low speeds, 100 for max speed. A good general value is 10 which gives a movement speed of 3 degrees per second.
Range: 0 100
Increment: 1
GND_ Parameters
Absolute Pressure (GND_ABS_PRESS)
calibrated ground pressure in Pascals
Increment: 1
ground temperature (GND_TEMP)
calibrated ground temperature in degrees Celsius
Increment: 1
altitude offset (GND_ALT_OFFSET)
altitude offset in meters added to barometric altitude. This is used to allow for automatic adjustment of the base barometric altitude by a ground station equipped with a barometer. The value is added to the barometric altitude read by the aircraft. It is automatically reset to 0 when the barometer is calibrated on each reboot or when a preflight calibration is performed.
Range: -128 127
Increment: 1
Units: meters
SCHED_ Parameters
Scheduler debug level (SCHED_DEBUG)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Set to non-zero to enable scheduler debug messages
0 | Disabled |
1 | ShowSlipe |
2 | ShowOverruns |
H_ Parameters
Servo 1 Position (H_SV1_POS)
This is the angular location of swash servo #1.
Range: -180 180
Increment: 1
Units: Degrees
Servo 2 Position (H_SV2_POS)
This is the angular location of swash servo #2.
Range: -180 180
Increment: 1
Units: Degrees
Servo 3 Position (H_SV3_POS)
This is the angular location of swash servo #3.
Range: -180 180
Increment: 1
Units: Degrees
Maximum Roll Angle (H_ROL_MAX)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
This is the maximum allowable roll of the swash plate.
Range: 0 18000
Increment: 1
Units: Degrees
Maximum Pitch Angle (H_PIT_MAX)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
This is the maximum allowable pitch of the swash plate.
Range: 0 18000
Increment: 1
Units: Degrees
Collective Pitch Minimum (H_COL_MIN)
This controls the lowest possible servo position for the swashplate.
Range: 1000 2000
Increment: 1
Units: PWM
Collective Pitch Maximum (H_COL_MAX)
This controls the highest possible servo position for the swashplate.
Range: 1000 2000
Increment: 1
Units: PWM
Collective Pitch Mid-Point (H_COL_MID)
This is the swash servo position corresponding to zero collective pitch (or zero lift for Assymetrical blades).
Range: 1000 2000
Increment: 1
Units: PWM
External Gyro Enabled (H_GYR_ENABLE)
Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable an external rudder gyro control which means outputting a gain on channel 7 and using a simpler heading control algorithm. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable the external gyro gain on channel 7 and revert to a more complex yaw control algorithm.
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Swash Plate Type (H_SWASH_TYPE)
Setting this to 0 will configure for a 3-servo CCPM. Setting this to 1 will configure for mechanically mixed “H1″.
External Gyro Gain (H_GYR_GAIN)
This is the PWM which is passed to the external gyro when external gyro is enabled.
Range: 1000 2000
Increment: 1
Units: PWM
Manual Servo Mode (H_SV_MAN)
Setting this to Enabled(1) will pass radio inputs directly to servos. Setting this to Disabled(0) will enable Arducopter control of servos. This is only meant to be used by the Mission Planner using swash plate set-up.
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Swashplate Phase Angle Compensation (H_PHANG)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
This corrects for phase angle errors of the helicopter main rotor head. For example if pitching the swash forward also induces a roll, that effect can be offset with this parameter.
Range: -90 90
Increment: 1
Units: Degrees
Collective-Yaw Mixing (H_COLYAW)
This is a feed-forward compensation to automatically add rudder input when collective pitch is increased.
Range: 0 5
External Motor Governor Setpoint (H_GOV_SETPOINT)
This is the PWM which is passed to the external motor governor when external governor is enabled.
Range: 1000 2000
Increment: 10
Units: PWM
Rotor Speed Control Mode (H_RSC_MODE)
This sets which ESC control mode is active.
Range: 1 3
RSC Ramp Rate (H_RSC_RATE)
This sets the time the RSC takes to ramp up to full speed (Soft Start).
Range: 0 6000
Units: Seconds
Flybar Mode Selector (H_FLYBAR_MODE)
This sets which acro mode is active. (0) is Flybarless (1) is Mechanical Flybar
Range: 0 1
Stabilize Throttle Minimum (H_STAB_COL_MIN)
This is the minimum collective setpoint in Stabilize Mode
Range: 0 50
Increment: 1
Units: 1%
Stabilize Throttle Maximum (H_STAB_COL_MAX)
This is the maximum collective setpoint in Stabilize Mode
Range: 50 100
Increment: 1
Units: 1%
MOT_ Parameters
Thrust Curve Enable (MOT_TCRV_ENABLE)
Controls whether a curve is used to linearize the thrust produced by the motors
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enable |
Thrust Curve mid-point percentage (MOT_TCRV_MIDPCT)
Set the pwm position that produces half the maximum thrust of the motors
Range: 20 80
Thrust Curve max thrust percentage (MOT_TCRV_MAXPCT)
Set to the lowest pwm position that produces the maximum thrust of the motors. Most motors produce maximum thrust below the maximum pwm value that they accept.
Range: 20 80
RCMAP_ Parameters
Roll channel (RCMAP_ROLL)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Roll channel number. This is useful when you have a RC transmitter that can’t change the channel order easily. Roll is normally on channel 1, but you can move it to any channel with this parameter.
Range: 1 8
Increment: 1
Pitch channel (RCMAP_PITCH)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Pitch channel number. This is useful when you have a RC transmitter that can’t change the channel order easily. Pitch is normally on channel 2, but you can move it to any channel with this parameter.
Range: 1 8
Increment: 1
Throttle channel (RCMAP_THROTTLE)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Throttle channel number. This is useful when you have a RC transmitter that can’t change the channel order easily. Throttle is normally on channel 3, but you can move it to any channel with this parameter.
Range: 1 8
Increment: 1
Yaw channel (RCMAP_YAW)
Note: This parameter is for advanced users
Yaw channel number. This is useful when you have a RC transmitter that can’t change the channel order easily. Yaw (also known as rudder) is normally on channel 4, but you can move it to any channel with this parameter.
Range: 1 8
Increment: 1