APM:Copter参考手册目录5.6.1-ArduCopter Parameters 2

ArduCopter Parameters
Eeprom format version number (ArduCopter:SYSID_SW_MREV)

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

This value is incremented when changes are made to the eeprom format
Software Type (ArduCopter:SYSID_SW_TYPE)

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

This is used by the ground station to recognise the software type (eg ArduPlane vs ArduCopter)
Mavlink version (ArduCopter:SYSID_THISMAV)

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

Allows reconising the mavlink version
My ground station number (ArduCopter:SYSID_MYGCS)

Note: This parameter is for advanced users

Allows restricting radio overrides to only come from my ground station
Telemetry Baud Rate (ArduCopter:SERIAL3_BAUD)

The baud rate used on the telemetry port


1 1200
2 2400
4 4800
9 9600
19 19200
38 38400
57 57600
111 111100
115 115200

Telemetry startup delay (ArduCopter:TELEM_DELAY)

The amount of time (in seconds) to delay radio telemetry to prevent an Xbee bricking on power up

Range: 0 10
Increment: 1
Units: seconds

RTL Altitude (ArduCopter:RTL_ALT)

The minimum altitude the model will move to before Returning to Launch. Set to zero to return at current altitude.

Range: 0 8000
Increment: 1
Units: Centimeters

Enable Sonar (ArduCopter:SONAR_ENABLE)

Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable the sonar. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable the sonar


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Sonar type (ArduCopter:SONAR_TYPE)

Used to adjust scaling to match the sonar used (only Maxbotix sonars are supported at this time)


0 XL-EZ0 / XL-EZ4
1 LV-EZ0

Sonar gain (ArduCopter:SONAR_GAIN)

Used to adjust the speed with which the target altitude is changed when objects are sensed below the copter

Range: 0.01 0.5
Increment: 0.01

Battery monitoring (ArduCopter:BATT_MONITOR)

Controls enabling monitoring of the battery’s voltage and current


0 Disabled
3 Voltage Only
4 Voltage and Current

Battery Failsafe Enable (ArduCopter:FS_BATT_ENABLE)

Controls whether failsafe will be invoked when battery voltage or current runs low


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

GPS Failsafe Enable (ArduCopter:FS_GPS_ENABLE)

Controls whether failsafe will be invoked when gps signal is lost


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

标签: arducopter parameters, arducopter 参数列表, arducopter 参数设置